RESUME Marilyn Lindstrom PUBLIC/COMMUNITY ARTIST 612.325.2114
“Art can play a role in creating the humane world we all can envision”
DREAMING~LINKING Mural, 11’ x22’, Acrylic on block, w/ youth and co-lead artist Francis Yellow with The Link- devoted to empowering homeless youth, Minneapolis, Minnesota
WE WANT TO LIVE Mural, 11’ x26’, Acrylic on cement, w/ Uruguayan intergenerational community, local artist Carlos Larregui and others and North American Lakota artist Francis Yellow, San Gregorio de Polanco, Uruguay, South America
WORLD LANGUAGE Mosaic, 6’ x6', smalti glass, Franklin Community Library, over West fireplace, dedicated to and inspired by the Phillips Community, Minneapolis, Minnesota. One of two sister mosaics.
HOMAGE Mosaic, 4’6” X6', Perdomo smalti glass/ ceramic tile, Heritage Commons lobby, commissioned by Minneapolis Public Housing Authority, w/ local community assistants, Minneapolis, MN
HAND TO HEART Mosaics, 3’6” x5'6", tile, glass, clay, entryway lintel & gateway pillars; 17 mosaics; w/artist Malichansouk Kouanchao, and single mothers, Jeremiah Program, Minnepaolis, Minnesota
HOPE Mosaic series, 4’ x 2’ ea, Ceramic tile, National Animating Democracy Program, Intermedia Arts and Hope Community, People, Places, Connections, w/ artist Malichansouk Kaoanchao and 40 participants, Phillips Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota
HONOR THE SPIRIT Mosaic pillar, 9’ x2’ x2’, Ceramic tile on cement, Dania Hall site, w/lead artist: John Pitman Weber, Chicago Public Art Group,, local artist Chong S.Shin, 40 Cedar-Riverside neighbors, sponsored by West Bank Community Development Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota
I LEARN AND CARE Mural, 4’ x22’, Acrylic on plaster, Indoor, Ugandan Social Training Center, participants: Ugandan & Kenyan organizers, Minneapolis Educator Larry Olds, Uganda, Africa
LANGUAGE OF HOPE Mural, 13’ x32', Acrylic on block, Outdoor, sixteen youth, Fresco Outreach at MIGIZI Communications, w/ Robert DesJarlait, Francis Yellow, Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota
CROSSROADS Mural, 12’ x112’, African Cultural Center, 20 Lyndale neighborhood youth, in collaboration w/ national artist Carole Byard, Acrylic on block, The Cultural Center of Minnesota, Andrea Craig Hill, Wallace Hill, Minneapolis, Minnesota
FACES OF FUTURE REFLECT OUR PAST Mural, 14’ x50', Acrylic on brick, w/fourteen Neighborhood Safe Art youth, Early Childhood Resource Center, w/artists Malichansouk Kouanchao, Carlos Menchaca, Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota
MOSAICO DE LA GENTE Mural, 7’x22’, Acrylic on wood, w/youth, The Canvas- community program, St. Paul, Minnesota
NEIGHBORHOOD SAFE ART PARK Mosaic arch, 10’ x8’ x1’, Ceramic tile, w/Youth Farm and Market youth and community, Lake Street, Phillips Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota
THE CHILDREN ARE THE GARDEN Mural, 40’ x10', Acrylic on cement, collaboration w/artists Miranda Bergman, Jane Norling, Olivia Rodriguez and local artists, Biblioteca Infantil (Children's Library), Managua, Nicaragua, Central America
PEACE, COMPASSION AND HOPE Mosaic, 8’ x20', Ceramic tile, w/100 Marshfield High School students and Marshfield High School Art Department, Marshfield, Wisconsin
GRIOT FESTIVAL Kwanza Mural Banners, Seven 3’ x5’, Acrylic on vinyl, with We Win Organization youth, Minneapolis, Minnesota
OUR POWER Mural, 18’ x18’, Acrylic on brick, Nawayee School, w/ Sixteen high school students & co-lead artist Francis Yellow, Minnesota State Arts Board, Minneapolis, Minnesota
PATHWAYS Mosaic, 4’6” x6’6”, Ceramic tile, Outdoor entrance wall, with 100 sixth graders, Arts for Academic Achievement, Anthony Middle School, and educator Paul Sommers, Minneapolis, Minnesota
WORLD LIFE TREE Mosaics, two 5’8” x5’8”, Ceramic tile with forty Emerson Spanish Immersion and Jefferson School elementary students, and artist Francis Yellow ,Minneapolis, Minnesota
RELATEDNESS Mosaic, 5’5” x6’5”, Ceramic tile, with 90 middle school students, and co-lead artist Francis Yellow, Entrance lobby, Oltman Middle School, St. Paul Park, Minnesota
INTEGRITY murals, five panel paintings, 12’ x32’, Acrylic on wood, with over 100 Intergenerational Participants, Fresco Outreach,w/ artist Malichansouk Kouanchao, Eden Prairie High School, Minnesota
FULLNESS OF LIFE FOR ALL Mural, 13’ round ceiling, and two panels, 7’ x10’, Acrylic, indoor, Community Peace Academy middle school students, Fresco Outreach, St. Paul, Minnesota
COMMUNITY COLORS Mural, 7’ x12', Acrylic on wood, Artist residency, Blake Middle School students, Hopkins, Minnesota
A HISTORICAL VISION Mural, Four panels, 14’ x80’, Latex on block, with Sebeka High School, 200 Intergenerational participants, Local artists, Minnesota State Arts Board, Sebeka, Minnesota
NORTh STAR ARTS CAMP, murals and mosaics as community art, with children, Mesaba Co-op Park, Hibbing, Minnesota
WORLD CULTURES Mural, 3D panels, Outdoor, Acrylic on wood, w/k-8 students, Emerson Spanish Immersion Elementary and Middle School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
HANDS OF TENDERNESS Mural, 6’ x22', acrylic on canvas panels, indoor, with sixty 4th grade students, MN State Arts Board, Marcy Open School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
MINNESOTA STATE ARTS BOARD: Artist-in-Education Roster Artist: 20+ years, over fifty schools ( examples listed above) Minnesota
COMPAS: -Artists and Writers in the Schools Roster: 12+ years, over thirty schools, Minnesota
GUEST LECTURER-COMMUNITY MURAL MAKING: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota
EDUCATION SITE LEADER AND ADULT EDUCATION COURSE/WORKSHOPS: HECUA- Higher Education Consortium on Urban Affairs, 5 years, St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota
ADULT EDUCATION WORKSHOP, Community Development thru Mural Making/ with African community organizers and Minneapolis educator Larry Olds. Two week- long workshop/course, Kampala, Uganda, Africa
MOSAIC AS PUBLIC ART WORKSHOP: University of Montevideo, Uruguay: w/graduate students, University Art Department, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America
AWARDS Partial List
NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY AWARD, URUGUAYAN MURAL EXCHANGE PROJECT, Partners of the Americas, Whittier Neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS CUE AWARD, COMMITTEE ON URBAN ENVIRONMENT, HAND TO HEART, mosaic series, Jeremiah Program, Minneapolis, Minnesota and to “Faces of the Future” mural, Neighborhood Safe Art, Lake Street, Minneapolis, Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC ART AWARD, COMMITTEE ON URBAN ENVIRONMENT, “We Claim Our Lives”, mural, Neighborhood Safe Art, Franklin Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota
WALLS OF HERITAGE, WALLS OF PRIDE, AFRICAN AMERICAN MURALS, book, by J. Prigoff , R. Dunitz, Pomegranate Press 2000
MUSEUM OF THE STREETS, by Moira Harris, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Pogo Press, book, 1986
MURALS OF REVOLUTIONARY NICARAGUA, book by David Kunzle, University of California Press 1995
CULTURAL ENVOY PROGRAM; U.S. State Department, Washington DC with the City of San Gregorio de Polanco, Uruguay, South America: create a mural for and with the community.
LIN FELLOWSHIP, Leadership in Neighborhood Fellowship, St. Paul Companies, Lifeway Research and Travel: Northern European Lifeway Research: Ancient symbols, sites, beliefs, Sweden and Finland
BA Degree, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Campus, Minnesota
WORKSHOP LEADER, Resident Artist, PUBLIC MURALS AS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, with Larry Olds,Adult Education Conference, Kampala, Uganda, Africa
MEXICAN MURALS RESEARCH, Headwaters grant, Mexico City, Mexico
CULTURAL PEACEMAKING MURAL, “The Children are the Garden” w/ San Francisco muralists Miranda Bergman, Jane Norling, Odilia Rodriguez, Biblioteca Infantil, Children’s Library, Alfonso Velasques Park, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America
MINNESOTA REPRESENTATIVE as community artist to the 11th World Festival of Youth and Students, Havana, Cuba
ARTISTS, ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS: painting, Minneapolis Main Public Library, Cargill Hall Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota
HOME SWEET HOME AGAIN: An Affordable Housing Art Traveling Exhibit: painting installation,, Minnesota
HOME HOUSE PROJECT: The Future Of Affordable Housing, a collage, Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
PEOPLE, PLACES, CONNECTIONS, Art Exhibit Design charrette participant: Art Concepts for Greenway, Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota
WALL-TO-WALL DIALOGUE ON PUBLIC ART, Artist, Curator, Host, Gallery of Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wall Painting Artists, WPA inc: a community mural painting collective
Neighborhood Safe Art: youth-created murals and public art group
I wish to thank my ancestors for the pathways and to all of life for our relatedness. I am especially grateful to those going boldly into the future: my son Odin John Grina and my Grandson Mikaia Grina Grand.
Andrea Craig Hill CO-FOUNDER/DIRECTOR; Cultural Center of Minnesota- African Drum and Dance, Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Pitman Weber CO-FOUNDER and PUBLIC ARTIST: Chicago Public Art Group, CPAG, Chicago, Illinois
Joseph Rice DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL; Nawayee Center School, Native American High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
THANK YOU to all I have collaborated with, learned from and shared common ground.